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Transcript 33 - July 14, 2014


Topic: Health Care Provider - Patient Communication & Ethics


Guest Host: Dr. Zackary Berger MD PhD (@ZackBergerMDPhD)


Internist, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Associate Faculty, Berman Institute of Bioethics

Sneak Preview: topics for upcoming chat


T1 What is the best way for doctors and patients to communicate about medical decision making in the context of uncertainty? #bioethx


T2 How can HCP convey recommendation w/out coercion? Ever ethically permissible 2 strongly persuade into particular CourseOfAction? #bioethx


T3 How should a doctor approach a patient who consistently makes decisions that are not conducive to good health? #bioethx


T4 Should a patient look for a doctor who is similar to them? Why or why not? #bioethx



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For more information on this subject, check out:

1. Talking to Your Doctor: A Patient’s Guide to Communication in the Exam Room and Beyond

2. Understanding Communication to Repair Difficult Patient–Doctor Relationships from Within

3. You're the Doctor

4. Risky Business: Risk communication in the provider-patient encounter

5. VM: Effective Ways to Communicate Risk and Benefit

6. VM: Taking Your Communication Skills to the Next Level

7. VM: Communicating Evidence in Shared Decision Making

8. VM: The Role of Perception in Quality Communication


July 14, 2014

Thoughts From The Moderator: To Come

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